Established in 1999, the NGZ Rules describe minimum safety requirements that are dependent on the distance between overhead powerlines and the work being performed.
1. For work outside 6.4m of overhead power lines no specific requirements are established other than those described in established regulation, primarily the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007.
2. For any work between 3.0mand 6.4m of an overhead power line, a registered spotter is required.
3. For any work within 3.0m of an overhead

Overhead Powerlines On Poles

Fully Licensed

Overhead Powerlines On Towers
Open Area
Outside 6.4 M of power lines
Spotters Required
Between 3-6.4M of power lines
No Go Zone
Anywhere below and above power line and within 3m each side. See Special Provisions
Overhead Powerlines On Poles
Open Area
Outside 10M of power lines
Spotters Required
Between 8-10M of power lines
No Go Zone
Anywhere below and above power line and within 8m each side. See Special Provisions
Overhead Powerlines On Towers